One's personality is both a composition and reflection, but if I have to choose one of them, I will choose reflection as the "self" is more important to me than "me". One's composition may change, walking across the cultural landscapes and climbing the social ladder but one's self is tied to one's reflections. The fun part is that reflections are not bound to "Time-Space" barriers ( it is not time-space) and respective mental constructs, which have grown so thick over ages, that they had reduced the image of humans to Sisyphus, rolling different sizes of boulders on hills of different heights.… As the name of this Blog indicates, knols are my perspectives on topics of interests, sweet/bitter experiences or just doodling :)

Monday, November 28, 2011



The revolution starts by changes in ideas. Once the changes in thinking processes started then it needs that changes get maturity. Mind will remain active with practices of ideas. When the ideas are put in practice the difficulties and problems arise that were not thought before or neglected. Hence the thinking minds are needed to lead the revolutionary process. It is the process of maturity of revolution. The masses also mature with maturation of the revolution. If a revolution has to survive it has to evolve constantly and it only can evolve when there are thinking minds with clear visions and devotions. Hence every revolution has three basic processes:

1- Birth of revolution: The struggle to change opinion of masses and intellectuals is key to revolution. A culture and system that is making lives for people difficult, messy, hard to handle and no ways to escape can’t be expressed effectively by people. People usually lack the ability to express in coordinated manners though they express their sufferings frequently. The coordination of sufferings and finding their reasons in coordinated manner reveal the defects the culture and system that govern society. It is the intellectuals that have the ability to coordinate the sufferings, defects of culture and systems and link the sufferings of people to them. Similarly it is the intellectuals which can present the alternative solutions and systems. Presenting the alternative solutions is the seed of change in mind. This seed germinates only if the thought processes are continuously injected.

2- Maturation of revolution: When the ideas put into practice it would need a thinking body of visionary intellectuals to solve the problems and lead revolution in correct path (Stick to objectives). The high levels of flexibility in tactics and approaches are necessary for maturity of revolution.

3- Evolution of revolution: Once revolution succeeds to put its firm foundations in society and achieved the goals and changes it promised then there is need to expand and make alive the revolution. As coming generations are brought up under new situations and conditions so their preferences, judgments and objectives differ from previous generations. It is called generation gapes. Generation gaps are a common phenomenon of all societies. It is dangerous for revolutions and many revolutions collapse by ignoring generation gaps. The coming generations may reject the accomplishments of revolutions by making alternative historical interpretations and analysis so it is necessary for a revolution to indulge its every generation in revolutionary processes by creating tasks and making their minds thinking in the revolutionary lines. It is called evolution of the revolution.

In all three processes that we have counted the thinking process is the core and hub of the revolution. No revolution could take birth or succeed with leading thinkers. Societies which lack leading revolutionary groups or settings fail to have any revolution or have riots, civil wars, chaos and destructions by name of revolution.

A small introduction and knowing the stages of revolution we can have a short analysis of revolution by posing key questions and answers to them.

1- Does revolution need massive support to be started?

From historical evidences it is clear that revolution starts from small thinking devotees rather than in masses. The socialist revolution has its roots in Marx that had a small part of his life in political struggle and in large part had an intellectual struggle. It was not Karl Marx that had massive struggle for revolution and its maturity but it was Lenin and Mao who had evolved in Marxist thoughts that agitated people of Russia and China to propagate the Socialist and communist revolutions. The same example is fitted to the Islamic revolution in Iran. The leftist thoughts rooted in Marxism already working in China and Russia, and other parts of Europe, Asia, Africa and Latin America. The Islamic thoughts have roots both in Iran and Iraq. Imam Khomeini were old man lived majority of his life teaching Islamic thoughts. The thinking process requires time to develop leading intellectuals and coordination of thoughts.

If breaking of habits is difficult in individuals then breaking habit of masses is much difficult. Individuals suffer from their bad habits but it requires high levels of convincing to change the individual’s life style. To change lives of people it requires changes in culture and systems of society. Certainly both culture and system are too resistant to change. Cultures and systems are evolved through long processes and they govern daily lives of people. Changing these sustained cultures and systems require high levels of intellect, knowledge and visions. More important than this, is transferring of these intellect and visions to people to prepare people for a change.

The development of historical dialectic and historical materialism is the foundation of intellectual endeavors of communists and socialists movements. Similarly, the revival of concepts of Islamic government was the foundation of the Islamic movements which lead to the Islamic revolution of Iran.

2- How intellectual leaderships lead to maturity of revolution?

It is the Chinese communist party and the Islamic councils that lead the Chinese and Islamic revolution of Iran when the ideas put into practice. The Chinese communist party and Islamic councils were the sources of intellectual leaderships to bring revolution into maturity. The successful leadership involve in total restructuring and nourishing the young generation into a revolutionary culture. The most effective part of introducing new culture is educations, active and controlled participation of masses in processes of change.

3- Do people not become trouble making once they become habitual of resistance and aware of their powers?

Revolution is more sensitive than artworks as they just not only agitate people for change but also put people in constructive process of change. It is the real art of revolutionaries that they make people more responsible and contributing than normal conditions or in older exploiting systems and cultures. As agitations of people require learning new ideas and skills, interacting and coordinating with each other but once the revolution took place, it will follow unlearning processes in which people have to unlearn the agitating behaviors and learning constructions. Unlearning agitations and having active participations in reconstructing new revolutionary systems, culture and ideals in society the people require new skills, knowledge and coordination.

4- Societies are part of international communities and they have agreements. Revolutions break the relations between societies. How the revolutionary societies could reattach into international community?

Certainly! The revolution break ties with international community and even may result in conflict with international communities as we have seen in case of Soviet, Chinese, Cuban and Islamic revolution in Iran. As revolution matures, it starts evolving and it is the evolutionary phases of the revolution that the revolutions and the international community find ways to bring their relations and interactions normal. Why I have chosen the evolutionary stage of revolution as a phase of normalization of relation because in this phase or stage the revolutionary process would have constructed the promises it made and would have gained skills, knowledge, professionalism, productivities and capabilities that international communities can no more ignore them. The normalization of relations during world war two with soviets and with China during cold war is the proof of this fact. The Iran is heading its way to normalization and it has started after the Iran and Iraq war. The international community needs the skills, knowledge, resources and links that Iran have in Gulf, South Asia and Central Asian regions. This is why despite of the conflicts and rivalries international communities have partial relations with Iran.

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