One's personality is both a composition and reflection, but if I have to choose one of them, I will choose reflection as the "self" is more important to me than "me". One's composition may change, walking across the cultural landscapes and climbing the social ladder but one's self is tied to one's reflections. The fun part is that reflections are not bound to "Time-Space" barriers ( it is not time-space) and respective mental constructs, which have grown so thick over ages, that they had reduced the image of humans to Sisyphus, rolling different sizes of boulders on hills of different heights.… As the name of this Blog indicates, knols are my perspectives on topics of interests, sweet/bitter experiences or just doodling :)

Monday, November 28, 2011

Just don’t get bothered by inherent mess

Recently I am stressing that “intellect” and “hard-work” is second to “courage”. This stress comes from my observations both from personal life and lives of those very close to me… I know (better to say that…grew up with) a number of the people (The sample that I am familiar with make the majority of people in this country) who work 7days a week and more than 14 hours out of 24 hours… this is a sort of hard work that requires great patience, determinations and most importantly motivations… but their lives didn’t move over years…. It seems that their lives are stuck and there is no way to escape out of it…. This is not just limited to hard work… the same is true about “intellect”… I have seen people with high intellect that do not participate in mainstream and live in their corners (to me it is a waste of their intellect) … On contrary, people with a little show of courage have changed their lives forever… Our community is very small but it is very frequent to encounter both of these examples in most homes… you just need to sit and talk (each one is an interesting and unique story that really worth to be told)……

The first time that I got introduced by word, “self-esteem” was in US…. It really puzzled me as US is famous for its education systems and hard working students…. I was thinking that in individualistic society and cultures, “self-esteem shouldn’t any problem, as everybody relies on themselves…. Everybody has to take the responsibility of their actions….. I was expecting that in such an environment that most of the people are self-made….and I had their weird belief that self-made individuals are invincible….. Then I thought in a free-market economy, people try to make business out of everything…books, video-trainings, seminars, clubs are part of the business chains… But this line of reasoning didn’t seem rational to me… unless there is no demand…there wouldn’t be a supply…. There must be a demand for improving “self-esteem” that there are businesses……. Later on, I learned that self-esteem is not a college degree that once you got it….you have it forever…. It is like a skill…there are always rooms to improve….. In a period of communications…the self esteem have grown in importance more than intellect… and hard work…. The hesitations in using social networks in fear of getting exposed and covering these fear with tones of reasoning is a very common observation……..

The lack of trainings, clubs, seminars, write ups about ways to improve, “self-esteem” indicate one of the two problems …….(and most probably both)…ignoring the importance of the “self-esteem” in future career of students by teachers and educational institutions or unfamiliarity with the issue……..

Though our community is very small but students make a large portion of it… In a small community avoidance of such an issue is felt with full intensity………

One common observation that most of you might agree with me is that some of the students make cuttings of the job advertisements and know from bottom of their heart that they deserve them but do not apply for them… Similarly they inquire about scholarships, gather information and prepare for mandatory exams but then do not apply for them….

This is really a sad….. By observing all these… I wanted to stress on the role of “courage” beside “intellect” and “hard work” so I wrote on my Facebook wall,

…………”Curiosity brings to the door but few have enough courage to knock the door”…………

These days, I rarely can use internet … the main problem is electric load-shedding but also because I spent most of the time with friends and relatives….. (It is like the common joke:… The day, Talib (religious student) comes to mosque to study… the mullah (religious teacher) is absent… The day that Mullah comes to mosque to teach…Talib is absent… and the day that both come to mosque…that day is Friday (Friday is Islamic holiday) ….so there no classes at all…..) After writing above phrase…I didn’t open my Facebook profile for two days… Today, when I opened the Facebook, I saw some messages related to my Facebook status that were expressing confusions about the content of the above mentioned phrase…… Some of the friends have thought that “the door” means “my door”…..

First, I got surprised as it was a general statement to encourage friends that have expressed their intentions to further their educations…. then I realized it is the same sort of dilemma that modern philosophy has faced…….(And I told myself….you got the same problem…. Inherent problems with no quick fix solutions…..)

Bertrand Russell in his book “A history of Western Philosophy has summarized this difficulty on the last section….. (The philosophy of logical analysis)….

From times of ancient Greeks, the philosophy was divided into two opposing camps of empiricism and mathematical analysis…. To solve their problem, a new school of thought is emerged among modern philosophers known as “logical analysis”….The modern philosophers were believing that ….the unresolved problems of philosophy are rooted in flaws of language…. Philosophy is sharing the flaws of language along with law and religion… There could be multiple interpretations of a law… and that is the reason for booming business of lawyers….. The same is true with holy-scriptures… there could be many interpretations of original text and that is why there are many sects in every major religion….. Just as interpretations of lawyers cost a lot….similarly the sectarianism have unbearable costs……. It is the inherent problem of language to have multiple interpretations……

Bertrand Russel himself developed “The theory of descriptions”…. In which he has shown the flaws of language… e.g, …. In phrase, “the golden mountain doesn’t exist” … is not only negating the existence of the golden mountain but it also shows that language can synthesize the existence of things that doesn’t exist from what already exist….. “mountain exists”….”Golden…..” exist…. By combining both…”golden mountain” is synthesized… This flexibility of language creates communicative problems for philosophy….On other hand this plasticity of language makes writers able to enrich the literature and culture…. As culture and literature is more useful and popular so the philosophic problems is of no importance…..

The logical analysis failed to solve the inherent problem of language….

By all this lengthy and hitchhiking between subjects, I wanted to say that… My expressions aren’t personal but are general……. Language has an inherent problem that allows multiple interpretations… and if the law, holy-scripture and philosophers suffer from this aspect of language…. I am not an exception…. So please do not look at them as “POINTING TO AN INDIVIDUAL”…………..


…….......................JUST DON’T GET BOTHERED YOURSELF WITH INHERENT MESS………………………….

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