One's personality is both a composition and reflection, but if I have to choose one of them, I will choose reflection as the "self" is more important to me than "me". One's composition may change, walking across the cultural landscapes and climbing the social ladder but one's self is tied to one's reflections. The fun part is that reflections are not bound to "Time-Space" barriers ( it is not time-space) and respective mental constructs, which have grown so thick over ages, that they had reduced the image of humans to Sisyphus, rolling different sizes of boulders on hills of different heights.… As the name of this Blog indicates, knols are my perspectives on topics of interests, sweet/bitter experiences or just doodling :)

Friday, May 19, 2023

Inception, a classic science fiction thriller movie that almost met my expectations

A classic science fiction thriller 

Inception is a science fiction thriller movie released in 2010 and directed by Christopher Nolan. The movie can be considered a classic in the science fiction genre based on the unique theme- heist of dreams, plot - a thief that planted a simple idea in the brain of his wife which blurs the idea of a real and dream world in her mind and she kills herself. Now a businessman wants the thief to plant a similar idea in the brain of a rival businessman’s son, and steal important information from his memory, and unique cinematography - the multistory buildings bending back on themselves, and the hotel room turned upside down. If one google, “hard to follow the storyline of the movie, inception”, one immediately finds that the storyline thread was hard to follow for people who do not have some form of training or education in “system thinking” or “systematic thinking”, and easy for those who have such a training. As an example, I am providing the link at the end of this article to a discussion thread for those who are interested to know the differences of opinions on the difficulty levels of the storyline in the movie [1]. 

Visualizing the levels of dream

What I most liked about the movie was the visualization of the dream levels. Despite the complaints about the hard-to-follow storyline, the movie follows a logical sequence of events: the “dream inside the dream”. The “dream inside the dream” is symbolized by the floors that are accessible through an elevator. The lower floor takes the dreamer to the deeper levels of the dream. The most interesting thesis of the movie is that the protagonist built a dream world where his dead wife and separated children live on the last floor, a concept borrowed from the Freudian division of the mind into conscious, subconscious (preconscious), and unconscious parts. 

Image generated by Bing image generator 

The movie didn’t meet parts of my expectations

Before watching the movie, I had heard a lot about the complexity of the movie which dives deep into the world of dreams.

Difference of control vs. speed of time: I expected to see the differences in controls at each level of the dream, meaning the dreamer had more control on the first floor and almost no control on the last floor. Instead, the movie showed the difference between speed and time at each level of the dream. The time passes faster at the first level and very very slow at the last floor. The protagonist has total control in all levels of the dream world and intentionally leaves the last floor that he has built for his dead wife and children. 

No particular logic: I also expected some elements of weird, hard-to-follow logic, surprises, horror, or very pleasant scenes that are the signature of dreams. But the movie follows a logical series of events based on the waking world. While I enjoyed the thrills of the race against time- a common trick in most thriller movies, and a partial inclusion of the “dream world” such as the bending of the high-rise buildings, they still didn’t meet my expectations. By including more elements of the dream world, the movies could be much more exciting.   

External links


NOVA Documentary, "Secrets of Mind": key take home messages

 Following are the take-home messages from the NOVA documentary “Secrets of Mind” that I found noteworthy;

Image generated by Bing Image generator 

  1. For every part of the body, there is a sensory area or map of that part of the body in the brain called the somatosensory cortex. In the documentary, two phantom arm subjects were presented as case studies by Dr. V. S. Ramachandran. Based on the “somatosensory cortex” idea, except for the brain itself, we can get the phantom of any body part. For instance, Dr. Ramachandran mentions phantom appendix pain following appendectomy. 

  2. I found the application of knowledge in solving the phantom problem interesting. For instance, the use of a mirror box for solving a phantom limb problem was outstanding because it was non-invasive, inexpensive, quick, and used as a common tool available in every home. 

  3. The brain map of the body creates severe problems when there is a disruption in the bidirectional messaging system. For instance, when James -one of the subjects in the phantom limb case- lost one of his arms, his brain sent a signal to clench his fist because of the pain. But since there was no physical arm to send a signal back to the brain that there is too much clenching, the brain kept sending even more signals to the phantom arm. Normal medical interventions such as painkillers or traditional interventions such as mind control weren’t working in the case of Mr. James. A visual feedback to the brain in the form of a mirror box restored the bidirectional messaging and the clenching messaging to the phantom arm stopped. 

  4. Separate pathways (more conscious vs. more reflexive) to the visual cortex help patients notice/see even when their visual cortex is damaged. One pathway is an evolutionarily new pathway that goes from the eyeballs to the thalamus to the visual cortex and helps us see consciously. Another evolutionary older pathway that is more prominent in evolutionary older vertebrates than primates such as other mammals, reptiles, and birds going to the cortex via the brainstem is more reflexive. This reflexive pathway helps people see/notice movements even when their visual cortex is damaged in a phenomenon known as blind sightedness. This documentary, the case of Mr. Young Graham from Oxford, England was presented who lost vision on his right side due to an accident during his childhood which damaged his visual cortex. But still, he notices movements, though not the color, shapes, etc of the objects. 

  5. I found Dr. Ramachandran’s question based on conscious vs. reflexive pathways a fascinating and very important question about the nature of consciousness. Why is one pathway equal to consciousness and another to Zombie-like response? What consciousness is, anyway?  

  6. Peggy, another subject, had a stroke that damaged her brain's parietal lobe and caused a condition known as visual or hemi-spatial neglect. When asked to draw a shape, she draws half of the shape, for instance, a flower. According to Dr. Ramachandran doesn't have only visual problems but also a problem of consciousness. Since the parietal lobe is responsible for 3D representation or layout of the physical world and helps us navigate our environment, the damage in one part of the lobe results in the inability of the patient to respond to stimuli coming from the opposite side -contralateral- of the damaged area. 

  7. While navigating, the visual stimuli go through two pathways, the “how pathway” - which goes from the eyeballs to the parietal lobe area-, and the “what pathways”-which goes from the eyeballs to the temporal lobes, and then relayed to the amygdala, an area associated with emotions. David, another subject, suffered damage in the connection between the “temporal lobe-amygdala” part, hence occasionally does not invoke the emotional responses normally a person has upon seeing his parents. This damage caused “capgras delusion” in which the subject perceives his real parents as imposters. Since the auditory pathway to the “auditory cortex-amygdala” is intact in David he doesn't have a “capgras delusion” on the phone. 

  8. The case of John Sharon who suffers from temporal lobe epilepsy/seizure is particularly interesting. According to Dr. Ramachandran, the pathway between the temporal lobe-amygdala has sensory neural connections that determine the importance or emotional significance of things and is unique in each individual. Something that might be unimportant or trivial to a person might be emotionally very important to someone else. A landscape -mountains, valleys, plain areas- can as an analogy for the relative importance of things based on the strength of these connections. The seizure or epilepsy of the temporal lobe increases the strength of these connections indiscriminately. These exaggerated connections strengthen the significance of everything -not just what is important for our survival such as relations we love or threats we fear. This cosmic importance of everything is what Dr. Ramachandran calls a religious or mystic experience.

Saturday, August 6, 2022

میں نے عمران خان کی مخالفت کیوں کی؟

میں اس جنریشن سے تعلق رکھتا ھوں، جو اسلامی انقلابات، کمونیزم، رنگین انقلابات، عربی بہار، اور "ھم 99 فیصد ھیں" جیسے انقلابات کے آتشفشاں اور پھر انکے لاوے کو پتھر بنتے دیکھے ھیں۔ جب آپ کسی عمل سے بار بار گزرتے ھیں، تو اس عمل کے بارے میں، آپ میں ایک چھٹی حس بنتے ھیں، جو بغیر زیادہ سوچے بتاتے ھیں، کہ یہ عمل درست سمت جار رھے ھیں، یا اسکے ساتھ کوئی مسئلہ ھے:

پہلی بار جب میں نے "ریاست مدینہ" کی وعدے وعید سنا، تو مجھے اپنے چھٹی حس کی ضرورت ھی نہیں پڑھی، کیونکہ اس "مدینے فاضلہ" کو بنانے کی سب سے بنیادی ضرورت، یعنی اس کے بنانے والے انسان مجھے کہیں نظر نہیں آرھے تھے۔ حضور (ص) 13 سال اپنے اصحاب کے تربیت کے بعد، اس قابل ھوگئے اس ریاست مدینہ کے داغ بیل ڈال سکیں۔ اس ریاست کے داغ بیل ڈالنے والے لوگوں کے ایسے تربیت ھوئے تھے، کہ اپنے گھروں، اور کاروباروں کو مدینہ میں پناہ لینے والے مہاجرین کے ساتھ برابر تقسیم کئے۔ مجھے تو پی ٹی آئی سے تعلق رکھنے والے لوگوں کو تو چھوڑ، پورے پاکستان میں ایسے لوگ نظر نہیں آرھے تھے۔ ھاں مال غنیمت کے کیلئے لڑنے مرنے والے لوگوں کے بہتات نظر آتے تھے، اور اب بھی نظر آتے ھیں۔ لوگوں کے تربیت کئے بغیر، انکو "ریاست مدینہ" کے پیچھے لگانا، ایسے ھی تھے، کہ آپ لوگوں سے پوچھے کہ آپ کیا بننا چاھتے ھیں، اورجس نے ڈاکٹر بننے کی خواھش کی، انکو میڈیکل اسکول بیجھنے کے بجائے ھسپتال میں بیج کر، ان سے لوگوں کے علاج، اور جس جس نے انجنئیر بننے کی خواھش کی، انہیں انجنئیرینگ اسکول کے بجائے، تعمیرات بنانے کو کہے۔ جسطرح، بغیر تربیت کے "ڈاکٹر" لوگوں کو گھر کے بجائے، قبرستان بھیج سکتے ھیں، اسی طرح، بغیر تربیت کے انقلاب کے دعویدار لوگ ملک کو ترقی کے بجائے، بحرانوں کے دلدل میں پھنسوا دیئے۔

انقلابوں کے آثارے قدیمہ میں، "ریاست مدینہ" کے اضافہ کو بھی دیکھ لیا۔ حضور کے ریاست مدینہ میں لوگوں کے اخلاقی تربیت اتنے بلند ھوگئے تھے، کہ وہ مہاجرین کے ساتھ گھر اور کاروبار تقسیم کئے، اور عمرانی ریاست مدینہ نے دوستوں کے دوستیاں اور دیسیوں کے تھوڑے بہت تہذیب مٹادیے۔

اس چھوٹی سی تمہید کی ضرورت اسلئے پیش آئی، کیونکہ گذشتہ چند دنوں میں، مجھے "عارف نقوی" سے متعلق تین کے قریب، آرٹیکل پڑھنے کا موقع ملا۔ پہلی آرٹیکل میں، پراوین سوامی، عمران خان کے سابقہ بیوی ریحام خان کا حوالہ دیتا ھے۔ عمران خان نے ریحام خان کو بتا دیا تھا کہ عارف نقوی نے اسکے 2013 کے الیکشن کے %66 حصے کو فنڈ کئے تھے٭۔ جیو ٹی وی آرٹیکل میں، عارف نقوی بتا دیتے ھیں کہ، اس نے عمران خان کے 2013 کے الیکشن کمپیئن کیلئے دو میلین، ایک لاکھ، اکیس ھزار پانچھ سو ڈالر پی ٹی آئی کے اکاونٹ میں ٹرانسفر کئے تھے٭٭۔

تیسری اور سب سے اھم آرٹیکل٭٭٭، عارف نقوی کے عالمی فراڈ سے متعلق ھیں۔ جس طرح عمران خان نے "ریاست مدینہ" کا وعدہ کرکے پاکستانی عوام کو چونا لگایا، عارف نقوی نے، "ایمپیکٹ انویسٹمنٹ"، "باضمیر سرمایہ داری نظام" کے دلنشین وعدوں کیساتھ، امریکی حکومت اور بیل گیٹس جیسے سرمایہ کاروں کو 385 میلین ڈالر کا چونا لگا چکے ھیں۔ دنیا کے چوٹی کی امیر لوگوں اور باقی لوگوں کے درمیاں وسائل کے تقسیم کے ناقابل یقین فاصلے سے اٹھنے والے عالمی مسائل کو دیکھ کر، دنیا کے واحد معاشی نظام کو چلانے والوں میں احساس جرم پائے جاتے ھیں۔ عارف نقوی جیسے چالاک لوگ، اس احساس کو کیش کرنے کیلئے، ان سے وعدے کئے تھے، کہ اگر افریقہ اور جنوبی ایشیاء کے ھیلتھ سروسز میں سرمایہ کاری کریں، تو  منافع کمانے کے علاوہ، وہ دنیا کو بہتر بنانے میں مدد بھی کرسکتے ھیں۔ وعدے تو غریبوں کیلئے ھسپتال بنانے کے تھے، لیکن، شاہ خرچیاں ذاتی خوشگذرانیوں اور سیاستدانوں پر ھوئے تھے۔ بطور مثال، ڈیوس میں نواز شریف کے ایک ظہرانے کیلئے، عارف نقوی نے 348،000 ڈالر اڑائے تھے۔

عمران خان اور عارف نقوی جیسے انقلابیوں نے کوئی مثبت تبدیلی تو نہ لاسکے، لیکن عوام میں تبدیلی کے نعرے لگانے والوں کے بارے میں جو تھوڑی بہت نیک خواھشات تھے، وہ بھی مروا ديئے۔

Sunday, December 8, 2019

The East Side Story Versus Broadway Story

Around 9 AM I left the train-7 and walked from 8th Ave to 5th Ave through Broadway. Noticing the crowd of people that hurried to their jobs in the shades of the tall buildings, and particularly by seeing the food delivery guys on the bicycles, the "East Side Story" of Dr. Coppens popped in my mind and I kept thinking all the way about it. The East Side Story goes like this:

Plate tectonics (along with magmatism) has been at work to tear apart the African plate into the Nubian and Somali plates. The speed at which these two plates are diverging is only 6-7 millimeters per year but even at that slow pace, it played its roles in splitting the hominin into the separate species of the humans and chimpanzees (Plate tectonics is not all about splitting things. It also closes and makes things disappear. For instance, it is closing the Persian Gulf and one day there will be no more Persian gulf and the geopolitical maneuvering over its control). 

Back to the story. 

Around ten to five million years ago the rift valley in East Africa created a barrier between the hominin groups. The chimps remained in the south in their natural environment, that was the forest of the south, while the human-ancestors made small groups who faced new challenges as a result of the changes in their ecosystems. The rift valley changed the course of the winds loaded with water-vapors and hence East Africa became drier (also around 7 million years ago, some Tethys sea remnants closed and a result the monsoon weakened and the young Sahara desert appeared. It is noteworthy that some remnants of the Eastern Tethys sea still live, such as the Caspian Sea, Aral, and Black sea.) The plain and dry climate favored an upright posture for long-distance walks, the loss of hair and sweating to cool off the body in the heat. The head mostly kept the hairs to provide shed and protect the skull and openings in the skull such as eyes. Several species of hominin appeared and went extinct. In the process of human evolution, several physical and behavioral traits were favored such as, upright walk, bare-skin, shift from polygamy to monogamy, partnership, and division of labor between the male and female and also the closing gaps between their body sizes (compared to chimps populations, where males are bigger, promiscuous in their relationships and foods are not shared). 

While there are other climate-change stories such as “aquatic hypothesis” and also the results of the soils from the area questions the climate change story (The soil samples in the Tugen Hill region of the rift valley didn’t show a sudden change from forest to savanna during ten to five million years), still, the overall pattern favors a climate change story that caused the evolution of the humans. 

Back to the walk on the Broadway:

Walking on Broadway, I thought about the East Side story of human evolution. Ten to five million years ago, the change in climate favored certain traits. Now we are witnessing accelerated changes in both the climate and our environments. What kind of physical and behavioral traits are favored by the current changes? That was a big question mark in my head while I looked around me to see the patterns:

None of the surrounding people walked in the desert or climbed on the trees. They didn’t face the heat, fear of getting hunted, or likewise wasn’t on their way to collect or hunt for food. The hair on the skull was no more needed as all the fancy head-coverings could work better than hair. Brains took the highest work-load in the current environment and the amount of the energy that was consumed to maintain the hair was unnecessary as it had lost its basic function of providing shade. Balding or white-hair is likely the future of humanity. The coffee was a puzzling issue. I noticed a lot of people holding their coffee cups, a clear sign in shift in the food choices of humans. The humans are no more consuming food for survival but a large portion of food is keep the brain alert or meet its demands for more dopamine or pleasure chemicals. Most of people's ears were hooked to their phones. Supplying the brain with pleasure chemical by listening to music while walking to work were another sign of the primacy of brain in the lives of modern humans. The brain has become the major consumer organ in the body of modern humans. I wondered if combined the rate of accelerated consumption by brain with the outsourcing most of the brain functions such as memory, calculations, and communication to computers, the human brain slowly evolve become mostly a pleasure seeking organ??????  TO ME THIS IS A BIG PUZZLE....... 

The partnership between males and females was also no more needed as I could see both males and females went to work and there were fewer pairs. If it is happening, it is a slow process and maybe in hundreds of generations; the results become more obvious. But the process has begun (it is happening all the time) and at the risk of repeating myself, the male and female partnerships for food production, storage, and distributions are no more needed. The businesses and corporations are doing all those work more efficiently. You need not go hunting for lunch. They deliver it to you. The development process is going to slow down even further. A decade or a decade and a half of the schooling is no more able to meet the needs of the current human societies (Human development became slow so the kids could have time to learn necessary skills from parents or members of the tribes to survive in savanna, desert, villages, and proto-cities. A decade of schooling was needed to acquire skills needed to survive in modern industrial societies.). Soon, lifetime learning will be needed for survival. Even toddlers have been hooked to the screens and their brains demand for the serotonin overload. Most of the body is ignored at the cost of the brain….. 

In the East Side Story, the climate change came to hominin. In the Broadway story, humans are bringing the environmental (also climate change) to themselves. The concrete buildings have replaced forests, grasslands, and deserts. Our work is no more to collect food but to collect money. The division of labor between sexes is politically incorrect (I intentionally used this terminology because I don't expect something like that in the chimps society. Learning about what is politically incorrect or correct is the examples of the behavioral complexity that require education or in other words, slowing down human development. When you read news and you see a report where it mentions that A failed to tell the truth about B, instead of straightly, he lied, is another example of the behavioral complexity -While it is argued that humans have instincts/genes for grammar, we need to learn the complexity of expressions that vary across cultures even in the same society-... I can go on and on but I think those two examples suffice to illustrate the increasingly complex behaviors that human babies need to learn to survive) , digital walls have been erected between human interactions, and the brains are constantly screaming for chemical rewards…. What Broadway humans will look down the road? Perhaps, we let Hollywood do the thinking for us. WHICH IS HAPPENING MOSTLY. AS I MENTIONED EARLIER, PERHAPS OUR BRAINS ARE BECOMING MOSTLY A PLEASURE SEEKING ORGAN BECAUSE OF IMMENSE BOMBDARDMENTS OF PLEASURE CHEMICALS ON DAILY BASIS????

Monday, September 9, 2019

قبیلہ ھای شہری

غالبا بودن در یک گروه اجتماعی ادامه بقاء را بیشتر و خروج از گروہ اجتماعی خطر مرگ یا معدوم شدن را برای جانداران اجتماعی بیشتر می کند۔ برای ھمین شناخت ھای اجتماعی مانند فرهنگ، قومیت، ملیت، آیدال های سیاسی و مذهبی جزوہ عمیق روان انسانی (کہ یک موجود اجتماعی است) شدہ است، و افراد، به عنوان واحدهای یک جامعہ، نقد بر اینها را مانند حملہ بر وجود خود می پندارد۔

در عصر اینترنت، کہ عصر بمباردمان شدن روزانه افراد با اطلاعات و همچنین تبلیغات بازرگانی و سیاسی است، شناخت ھایی سنتی یا در حال فروپاشی هستند و یا هم در حال بازسازی هستند۔ یک بخش بزرگ بازسازی شناخت ھای سنتی شامل بازخوانی واقعہ های تاریخی میشود۔ اینچا باید یاد آور شوم، که تاریخ به معنای نقل واقعات، فقط یک مغالطہ است، حتی اگر این واقعہ امروز صبح اتفاق افتاده باشد، و هزاران افراد شاھد آن باشند، باز هم، ھر شاهد عینی که آن واقعه را بیان کند، بیان آن شخص، روایت شخصی آن فرد، از آن واقعہ است، و برداشت هر فرد از یک واقعہ می تواند مختلف باشد۔ تذکر این مطلب برای مصرف کنندگان اینترنت، یک حرف تکراری است، چرا که هر مصرف کننده، بناء بر تجربہ ھای فردی می داند کہ، برای دانستن نزدیکتر بہ حقیقت، از گزارشهای یک وقوعہ، باید دنبال چندین منابع برود تا بتواند چراھای خود را پاسخ بدھد۔ ‍

:آمدم بر سر مطلب

یک بخش بزرگ افرادی کہ در شهرهای بزرگ زندگی می کنند، شناخت ھای سنتی خود را در حال از دست دادن هستند۔ از آنجایی که، حس داشتن تعلق بہ یک گروہ اجتماعی، ریشه عمیق در روان انسان دارد، بخشی تلاش می کنند، تا شناخت ھای جدیدی بسازند و یا ھم در تلاش یافتن شناخت جدید هستند، کہ با فرهنگ شهرهای بزرگ همخوانی دارند۔ این تلاش ھا منجر بہ راہ اندازی قبیلہ ھای شہری شدہ است۔ شبکہ ھای اجتماعی، ایجاد و توسعه اینچنین تلاش ها را تسهیل می کنند۔ برای مثال، شناخت با "ما نود و نو درصد هستیم"، "من ھم (هشتگ)"، "پرچم رنگین کمان (دگرباشان)"، "جنبش حقوق حیوانات"، "وگانیسم و زیر بخش ھای آن"، "جنبش ارگانیک"۔۔۔۔۔ و امثال دیگر نمونہ ھایی از اشکال ابتدایی قبیلہ ھای شھری ھستند۔

بناء بر تنوع فرهنگی جامعه مسلمین، ھر گروه فرهنگی، مراسم عاشوراء را بہ سبک خودشان اجرا کرده اند و میکنند۔ حال، ما شاھد شکل گیری قبیله های شہری در مراسمات عاشورایی نیز هستیم، "جنبش حسین کیست؟"، "اهدای خون بجای قمہ زنی"، "بازاندیشی روایات کربلاء"،۔۔۔۔۔۔۔ نمونہ ھایی از این تلاش ھا ھستند۔

:نتیجہ گیری

با گسترش شہرھا، مهاجرت ھا بسوی شہرھا، گسترش و سہل دسترسی در شبکه های اجتما‏عی، و ناپید شدن دیہات ھا، قبیلہ ھای شہری منسجم تر خواهند شد۔ در این میان، افراد سہ انتخاب دارند، تلاش مثبت برای مفید ساختن این قبیلہ ھا، بی طرفی، و یا ھم روی آوردن بر "ترول گری" تحت هر عنوان که باشد۔