One's personality is both a composition and reflection, but if I have to choose one of them, I will choose reflection as the "self" is more important to me than "me". One's composition may change, walking across the cultural landscapes and climbing the social ladder but one's self is tied to one's reflections. The fun part is that reflections are not bound to "Time-Space" barriers ( it is not time-space) and respective mental constructs, which have grown so thick over ages, that they had reduced the image of humans to Sisyphus, rolling different sizes of boulders on hills of different heights.… As the name of this Blog indicates, knols are my perspectives on topics of interests, sweet/bitter experiences or just doodling :)

Saturday, October 14, 2017

From pursuit of wisdom to pursuit of happiness: Part 2

"In our culture, the source of authority came either from experience, as old age like adults in a family or tribe or from one's level of knowledge as teachers or scholars. They were considered wise and they influenced ways of life. That's why I called that the pursuit of wisdom. In comparison, in the modern culture, the authority comes from popular votes. Celebrities and advertisements play very important roles in influencing the decisions of masses and promoting the consumerist ways of life. What's your take on these two examples?"

"My first take is that pursuits of wisdom are definitely in decline and pursuits of populism are rising."
"So?" Ustad inquired.
"It depends," I answered.
"Depends on what?"
"On the concept of success."
"Once adults were seen as people who were successful at living longer, now, the celebrities are seen as successful people."
"So, you think, it is all the pursuit of success instead of the pursuit of happiness or wisdom?"
"Yes, to me, it all sums up to success."

I remembered this conversation after so many years by reading an article about Hillary Clinton's new book, "What Happened". Hillary changed her name, her hairstyle and even hired a linguist to appeal to the people. Her efforts to be likable didn't sum to the success, that's presidency of the country.

I remembered our old conversation as it is as relevant today, as it was relevant almost two decades ago. So, what is a wise pursuit? A set of goals defined by wise men like adults of a tribe or a family, or a set of goals promoted by celebrities, a set of goals defined by professionals or some sort of authorities or set of goals that are based on your soul searching?

READ Part 1 by clicking the following link:

From pursuit of wisdom to pursuit of happiness: Part 1

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