One's personality is both a composition and reflection, but if I have to choose one of them, I will choose reflection as the "self" is more important to me than "me". One's composition may change, walking across the cultural landscapes and climbing the social ladder but one's self is tied to one's reflections. The fun part is that reflections are not bound to "Time-Space" barriers ( it is not time-space) and respective mental constructs, which have grown so thick over ages, that they had reduced the image of humans to Sisyphus, rolling different sizes of boulders on hills of different heights.… As the name of this Blog indicates, knols are my perspectives on topics of interests, sweet/bitter experiences or just doodling :)

Saturday, December 3, 2011


"Whoever commands the sea, commands the trade; whosoever commands the trade of world, commands the riches of the world, and consequently the world itself.".....Walter Raleigh, Sr.


It is a common practice to relate the power with economy and likewise hegemony with economy. Yes, it is true that economy is the binding force in the human relations of any category but it only represents one face of the coin. The next face of the coin is politics, which rotates around some issues that are based on a theory or a belief. The politics and economy’s relation is like relation of particle and wave. Just as particle and wave is the dual nature of matter that we can’t separate them. Similarly politics and economy are the dual nature of any human society and we can’t separate them. In economy we always see the differences between profits and losses but never of defeats and victories. In politics we speak of victories and defeats as it is rely on some sort of the issue. Both of the two sets of terms are interchangeable. In both defeats and losses one loss support and trust and in case of victory and profit get support and trust but one thing is common in both of the sets as everlasting and that is experience. These experiences shape the growing theories and beliefs.


Followings are the postulates of the discussion.

1. Conflicts are the intrinsic part of the human society as human societies are the sets of live people and hence grow.
2. Anything that grows, changes.
3. Life has two unique characteristics. First it reproduces and second it passes the changes to next generation.
4. Politics always rely on some issue.
5. The issues in politics are always relating to some sort of the ideology or belief.
6. Politics and economy are the two binding forces of the human society.
7. Politics and economy are the two faces of the same coin.
8. Politics and economy are the two means through which men compete each other over resources.
9. The main objective of the competition is growth.
10. Though the men have common virtues but there are no two ideologies or beliefs that are not in conflicts about the virtues.
11. All the ideologies and beliefs have followers and believers either they are good or bad in ones judgment in all times though the number varies.
12. The ideologies and beliefs grow according to the growth of the human societies. New perspectives of ideologies and beliefs always accompany the growths.
13. The experiences that men get from the results of the political and economical conflicts shape the growths of ideologies.
14. New perspectives of the ideologies and beliefs are the bases of the new political and economical conflicts.
15. The loss in the popularity is the not the death of an ideology but it will be reintroduced with a new perspective.
16. It is an accepted fact that the conflicts under rules and regulations is beneficial for both of the opponents and open conflicts without roles and regulations are dangerous for both opponents.
17. The levels of danger and benefits are directly proportional to the levels of the growth.
18. the globalization, especially in terms of the economics made all the political events of global level impacts.
19. As the beliefs and ideologies are the bases of the political activities hence beliefs and ideologies of any significance have global impacts.
20. The ideology/belief, economics and politics are the three main characters of the global impacts, which will define future both in terms of the dreams and nightmares.
21. The dreams of an ideology/belief will be the political and economic dreams of the believers and the nightmares of an ideology/belief are the political and economical dreams of the believers.
22. The political and economical conflicts shape the dreams and nightmares with new perspectives.
23. The tools of the globalization are means of communication, trade and education.
24. The tools of globalization shape the global civilization.
25. The mismanagement of the globalization tools result in the forms of global dangers.
26. The growth of the nuclear, biological, chemical weapons and mass psychological torture techniques are the tools of the anti-growth.
27. No nation with any capability can resist the impacts of the globalization.


In the 21st century human being has to decide whether they want the global civilization or the global destruction.



As the global trade, global communication and global education are the tools of the globalization, hence their handling will shape the future of the humanity. There must be global the rules and regulations on the bases of the equality to handle these tools. Global democracy is the future of mankind but it must be based beyond of the ideologies, beliefs and regionalism by accepting them as facts. The most practical type is this global democracy is the based on the trade and profession instead of old and present democracies which are based on the ideologies and regionalism and hence are always make divisions and threatens men to dangers of wars. Every profession and trade must have local parliaments and the hence the global parliament. All the professions global parliaments make the global parliament.

Global democracy
Global parliament
Global profession parliaments
Local profession parliaments

The idea of the profession parliaments is based on one common point and that is growth. All the fields of knowledge, all ideologies, all religions and beliefs aim to human growth. If human growth is the common point acceptable to all without any difference so we have to base the global civilization on this common point. This civilization has very clear objective, which is common to all human being.

Each profession has its own problems, technicalities, requirements and their roles in the human growth. Hence no one else can help them better than themselves to help each other to solve their problems and also enhance their capabilities to enhance human growth and less and lessen the dangers and side effects.


As earlier said that the tools of globalization are communications, trade and education, which shape the future of global civilization. Hence there is a strong need to work for a global mechanism, which regulate the global freedom of trade, global freedom of education and global freedom of communication and provide surety and guarantee every human kind his/her rights and duties as global citizen regardless of race, language, region, status, gender, beliefs and ideology. Every global citizen has the freedom to participate in the global democracy through the local profession parliament. Every global citizen has the freedom to acquire as many trade as many he/she is able to acquire and has the ability to put his/her shares.



All the fields of knowledge, all the ideologies and beliefs have the same objective and that is human growth. If human being succeeds to achieve this objective then the human being will become immortal and perfect, as they will be able to govern all the laws, which govern the universe. There will be no destructive thinking or imagination or destructive tools as all the destruction are due to flaws. Flawless men with flawless knowledge can’t imagine, think, intend and act wrongly. Though these all looks impossible and totally imaginative but these are the objectives of human beings. The common scientific theories certify and predict this objective of human being as achievable and ultimate decision of the nature. I have named this common objective of human being as ELYSIUM. This is the base of human being.

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